Whether you need us to scribble an important message, collect those invaluable leads, schedule a quick appointment, or process the orders, we have got you covered. Our virtual receptionists are available 24/7 ensuring an excellent experience for your callers. With our live answering services, you will never have to compromise your quality time answering those tiresome business calls.

Hear how we sound.
[easywaveformplayer animated=”true” player_position=”Left” player_background_color=”rgba(10,10,10,0.01)” mini_size=”60″ mini_border_size=”2″ mini_border_color=”#ffffff” progress_circle_thickness=”4″ progress_circle_color=”#ff0000″ controller_color=”#ffffff” controller_size=”40″ timeline_background_color=”” timeline_wave_color=”#ffffff” timeline_cursor_width=”1″ timeline_cursor_color=”#ffffff” timeline_height=”128″ timeline_bar_gap=”0″ timeline_bar_width=”0″ timeline_bar_radius=”0″ audio_media=”11438″]Your business requires customers to bloom, and customers require a connection with you. They need to feel heard and deserve your human voice. Let our team become that human voice.
What will you get from us?
Pick up the ringing phones now!
Experience the difference with Us
How do we work

Live Agents
At Servixer, as soon as your customers make a call, our information system sends relevant company information to our live agents. They become the human voice for your business, and talk to them as if they are a member of your in-house team, effectively representing your brand value and assisting them when needed.
Call Scripts
At Servixer, Our virtual receptionist works as a seamless extension for your business and keeps the natural flow of conversation going. Our call scripts are designed to align with your brand’s voice and their rich content gives your customers a positive experience with your business, ultimately making them your return customers.

ROI Reporting
At servixer, The ROI reports we craft are purely data-driven, which provides you with a clear picture of what is working and what is not working for your business. With those reports at hand, You can focus your investments in the right direction and grow your business.
Instant Notifications
At Servixer, we value time more than anything, and our instant notification service provides you with real-time updates about events, call summaries, appointment scheduling, and call transfers. So, you can communicate with your customers within seconds to capture the opportunities at the right moment.

Pick up your ringing phones now!
Phone Answering Solutions for Any Business
Whether you are a small business or an established company, earn your customers’ loyalty and grow your business, with our expertise and best call-answering practices. Our professionals work day and night to answer your calls and keep the human touch alive. So far, we have served businesses in: